EquiVet Care Blog

virtual vet visit

Pet Wellness Tips for the COVID-19 Pandemic

With all the ways that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected how people live, it has also changed their pets’ lifestyles. More people are working from home, and people are less likely to travel and bring their pets to new places. Given these changes, it’s important to take extra steps to make sure that pets continue to thrive. Some pets, like horses, may have specific needs, but there are also general pieces of advice everyone can follow.

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Springtime Horse

Keep Your Horse Healthy With Springtime on the Way

Your horse is part of your family, and you want to provide the best care possible. Horses need special care with seasonal changes, and you might need some tips to help you through the difficult times. At EquiVet Care, we are familiar with seasonal situations you may encounter.

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EquiVet Care Team

Virtual Vet Visits: Are They As Effective As In-Person Examinations?

Improve Your Pet Care With Virtual Vet Visits

The current pandemic situation has served to push telemedicine into greater use with surprising results. The acceptance level of veterinary professionals is high, and the results increasingly positive. Virtual veterinary care can improve the level of pet care with increased post-in-person visits and easy access to medical advice.

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