EquiVet Care Blog

Keep Your Horse Healthy With Springtime on the Way

Written by EquiVet | Mar 9, 2021 9:46:08 PM

Your horse is part of your family, and you want to provide the best care possible. Horses need special care with seasonal changes, and you might need some tips to help you through the difficult times. At EquiVet Care, we are familiar with seasonal situations you may encounter.

Virtual Visits Are an Option

Your horse needs you to take charge when seasons are changing and the weather is unpredictable. Harsh winters can make it difficult for travel for you and your vet. Virtual visits come in handy during those times. EquiVet Care provides the same quality of care for your animal, whether the visit is in-person or virtual.

Get Your Horse Up and Moving Around

Your horse likely feels the same way you do when it’s too cold for you to want to go outside. You need to take the initiative and gently encourage your animal to move, regardless of the weather.[1] Your movements might be slowed down tremendously in extreme cold, but movement of any kind is important. Moving around while it’s still winter will help keep your horse from getting colic. Move slowly if that’s all the two of you can muster up. The main thing is to keep blood flowing and muscles from tightening up and stick to a routine in preparation for the spring thaw.

Keep the Warm Water Coming

Frozen water can be melted, but your horse needs to be watered at least once daily with warm water. Your horse will drink more if you keep the water at a comfortable temperature. This is another way to keep colic at bay.[1] Tanks are available and are necessary if your horse is kept outside.

Lab Work and Checkup for Your Horse

Springtime can be a dangerous time for your horse when they are enjoying the newly sprouted pasture grass. Too much of a good thing can cause weight gain and elevated glucose levels, just as it does in humans.[1] Make an appointment for an exam before the thaw, if possible, to prevent founder. Your horse may be anxiously waiting for green grass, but take it slow and alternate their diet with plenty of hay.

Springtime Means All Kinds of Ills

With the change of weather can come many physical ailments for your horse.[1][2]

  • Allergies: Your horse can suffer from environmental allergies just like you do. Symptoms can include hives and lung problems. You can lower the allergen level by keeping the barn clean. Damp hay will help keep the dust down.
  • Cuts, bruises, and abscesses: The transition from hard icy ground to thawed and muddy pasture can cause hooves to become waterlogged and ripe for abscess and infection. Bruises and cuts can happen on hard ground or on reappearing rocks and twigs with the thaw.
  • Worms: With the spring thaw comes worm and fly eggs that your horse can ingest. This would require deworming. Serious health issues like malnutrition and problems with digestion can happen if worms and other parasites are left untreated.

EquiVet Care is here for your in-person or virtual visits. Contact us for more information on keeping your horse healthy during upcoming seasonal changes.

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